This was one gigantic move which involved shipping equipment and machines for an Amusement park.
It was a challenge for us to organise collection of equipment and parts from different parts of the world, coordinating with different agents, to ensure all parts and equipment related to one machine arrive port / Airport in India around the same time. It involved meticulate planning with agents, Airlines and customs at both ends, to effect timely transit times for our end customer in India. The onsite engineers had strict timelines for the completion of the entire project and setup, Titan was an integral part of the entire process, as the logistics partner for all equipment and installation on site. In addition to the above, part of the shipment, which was odd dimensions and 14 flat rack containers cargo had to be Air lifted from USA (west coast) to Dubai and then moved via sea to Nhava Sheva, was cleared through FTWZ (Free Trade Warehousing Zone). We helped our client to clear this entire shipment via FTWZ, for him to avail of tax exemptions and a speedy clearance. This project not only proved our expertise in planning and execution, but also goes to prove our constant endeavour to help our clients with competitive processes wherein they can save revenue.